Talk Green Vancouver potluck on Wed. Feb 16 |
TLCC Newsletter, February 2011
This month's newsletter includes:
- Talk Green Vancouver neighbourhood potluck in Cedar Cottage
- Information about a new seed saving collective in Cedar Cottage
- News about the first ever House of Commons debate on genetic engineering and what you can do to support it
- Two local food related job postings
TLCC's next Pocket Market!
Date: Saturday February 19th
Time: 10am-1pm
Location: 2290 E 25th Ave (Just west of the Nanaimo SkyTrain station.
TLCC Pocket Market location
The TLCC Pocket market has great prices as always on organic or local produce. Shop and save while supporting access to healthy foods for those who have low income! The Pocket Market Coupon model has worked so well that it will be used as part of a food security program run by South Vancouver Neighbourhood House for residents in their area.
Please drop by on the 19th!
Talk Green Vancouver Potluck Invite
Join your friends and neighbours for a community potluck and Greenest City conversation!
TLCC and Talk Green Vancouver (the City of Vancouver's Greenest City initiative) invite you to share a meal, share some great conversation and share your ideas about Vancouver’s plan to become the Greenest City in the world by 2020. It’s going to take actions – small and large – from the whole city to achieve the vision of a bright green future for our city and our planet. Thousands of residents contributed to creating 10 draft action plans. Find out what’s in them, add your feedback and share ideas with your neighbours about how you can help create the greenest city in the world.
Please bring food to share, serving plate and spoon as well as a plate, fork, knife etc for yourself. We will have access to the kitchen to heat things up if necessary.
Join us and talk green!
Date: Wednesday Feb 16th
Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm
Location: Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House, 4065 Victoria Drive
Give your input to the draft Greenest City plans and find out how you can get involved at
Cedar Cottage Seed Saving Collective
A new group has formed through Village Vancouver in Cedar Cottage that will focus on seed saving in our neighbourhood. They are interested in creating a local source of seeds as a way to address global pressures from the patenting of seeds, genetic modification and climate change. They are looking for others who have experience with growing and seed saving using natural "organic" growing methods to join the collective.
Their next meeting is, a vegetarian potluck is on:
Date:Sunday Feb, 6th
Time: 10am -noon
www.villagevancouver.ca/events please RSVP through the Village Vancouver site.
House of Commons debate on genetically engineered seeds
Victory for Canada on Genetic Engineering! Unprecedented debate on Bill C-474, February 8.The actions of Canadians like you are working! Despite biotech industry attempts to shut down debate, on December 1st in the House of Commons, the New Democratic Party secured a new 5-hour debate on Bill C-474 and the impacts of genetic engineering for February 8. Bill C-474 would support Canadian farmers by requiring that “an analysis of potential harm to export markets be conducted before the sale of any new genetically engineered seed is permitted.” If the Bill is passed this February it would stop GE wheat and GE alfalfa. The final vote on Bill C-474 will happen on February 9th in the House of Commons and there will be a 5-hour debate the day before! This type of debate on genetic engineering in the House of Commons has never happened before! Now every MP will have a chance to participate in the debate on Bill C-474.
Watch the video on Bill C-474: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH9NwvrVh3U
Actions before Feb 9th to support Canadian farmers:
Email your Member of Parliament to ask them to support the Bill and speak up in the debate – you can send your letter instantly from
Jobs in Local Food
The Public Health Association of British Columbia in conjunction with their partners at Vancouver Coastal Health, the Vancouver School Board, the Richmond School Board and the University of British Columbia’s Eat&Think Green@School Initiative are pleased to announce that they have received a grant from Vancity enviroFund to increase the amount of local food served in five schools in the Richmond, Vancouver and West Vancouver area.
The Group, the Greater Vancouver Farm to School Committee, seek the services of a Farm to School Coordinator The one year part-time coordinator will be responsible for sourcing local foods and farms for schools and developing agreements with farmers to grow foods for 5 schools. Details are outlined in job description at
Interested applicants must email their resume and cover letter to Sarah Carten,
sarah.carten@vch.ca by noon on Monday, February 14th, 2011.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Sarah Carten, (604) 675-3988 x 20340,
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, February 14th, 2011.
For job description and details on how to apply, visit the FarmFolk/CityFolk website at:
CONTRACT DATES: April 1, 2011 to October 31, 2011
LOCATION: Vancouver, BC