Well, after a 6-month hiatus TLCC is back, addressing food security in Trout Lake Cedar Cottage!
TLCC was one of five Neighbourhood Food Networks chosen to receive the Greenest Neighbourhood grant from the City of Vancouver as part of the City’s Greenest City 2020 initiative. TLCC received funding for the Pocket Market Coupon Program which will bring affordable, local and/or organic produce to our neighbourhood. The pocket market will be located near Vanness Ave and Nanaimo St at BC housing's Brant Villa, just east of the Cedar Cottage Garden.
A pocket market is like a small farmers’ market except that farmers don’t usually do the selling. Instead, produce is bought at wholesale prices, either directly from farmers or through a distributor, and sold in areas that don’t have convenient access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Brant Villa is situated in an area that Vancouver Coastal Health has identified as a food desert as there are no grocery stores within walking distance.
The TLCC Pocket Market is a great way for all neighbours to contribute to neighbourhood food security in TLCC.
There are two ways to shop at the TLCC Pocket Market:
- With pre-paid Pocket Market Coupons (produce at cost for those on low income)
- With cash (a better price than retail)
To help fund the program for the long term, we will also have cash sales at the Pocket Market. Produce will be priced with a lower-than-retail markup and the profits will be put back into the program. The hope is that in time, the TLCC PMCP will be financially self sustaining.
There will be 10 pocket markets over 10 months at Brant Villa. Here are the dates for the first 5:
- Sunday, August 15th
- Sunday, September 12th
- Sunday, October 17th
- Sunday, November 14th
- Sunday, December 5th
TLCC Pocket Market
Brant Villa
2290 E. 25th Ave (just west of the Nanaimo SkyTrain station)
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Brant Villa
2290 E. 25th Ave (just west of the Nanaimo SkyTrain station)
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Coupons are available at Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House, 4065 Victoria Dr.
How else can you participate?
- Come to the Pocket Market and buy organic and/or local produce
- If you are low income, purchase Pocket Market Coupons
- Share this blog with friends and family in the area
- Volunteer to help set-up the market